
Wasserrose is a wide lace edging designed by Herbert Niebling for a large tablecloth, about 150 cm long and 126 cm wide. It requires 70 g of crochet thread size 80, knitting needles size 2/0 and batiste or similar fabric for the center.

Cast on 1392 stitches (!) Join into a round and knit 4 rounds. Then begin knitting according to chart A, repeating the pattern 16 times per round. Knit the rounds not shown on the chart, and where there are double yarnovers, in the next round knit the first loop and purl the second loop of the yarnovers.

In rounds 7 to 46, knit the repeat (stitches surrounded by the heavy dark line) three times. In rounds 47 to 86, knit the repeat twice. In round 48, increase the 7 yarnovers from round 47 into 21 stitches, by knitting fbf (front, back, front) into each loop. After round 86, bind off loosely. Block and then sew onto the batiste or other tablecloth. Trim the excess fabric from the tablecloth, roll under the raw edges and sew them with a blind stitch. You'll need to use the photo in the Ravelry database to see how to sew the lace onto the fabric.


  • Feel free to download and use the charts, print copies for your own use. However, you may not print them out and share them with others. Send folks to my website so they can download for themselves.
  • I don't own the original pattern, but I do own my recharted version. So, please don't copy my charts and claim them as your own or publish them under your name. If you want to have your own charts, then find the original patterns and rechart them yourself!
  • Do not sell copies of these charts. If I don't charge for my recharts, you certainly shouldn't charge for my recharts!