Schneeglöckchen (Snowdrop)
Schneeglöckchen is a motif used in several Herbert Niebling designs. This pattern is just the motif, which can be blocked into a square and is meant to be framed as a picture. You can see a picture in the Ravelry database. Materials: 2 g crochet thread No. 60 with size 1.25 mm needles.
Cast on 58 stitches, knit two rows. Begin following the chart, knitting flat, purling all the wrong side rows. After the 64th row, knit two more plain rows. Block into a rectangle approximately 10 x 13 cm (4 inches by 5 inches). Starch the rectangle to prevent the edges from rolling.

- Feel free to download and use the charts, print copies for your own use. However, you may not print them out and share them with others. Send folks to my website so they can download for themselves.
- I don't own the original pattern, but I do own my recharted version. So, please don't copy my charts and claim them as your own or publish them under your name. If you want to have your own charts, then find the original patterns and rechart them yourself!
- Do not sell copies of these charts. If I don't charge for my recharts, you certainly shouldn't charge for my recharts!
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