FdA 808

Supplies: 3 x 20 g balls of crochet thread size 50, 5 needles size 1.5mm (double points), 1 crochet hook no. 10.

Instructions: Cast on one stitch and knit according to chart A. Knit flat, and purl the return rows. When there are 2 yarn overs in a row, purl the first and knit the second. Read the chart from right to left and from bottom to top. The numbers at the beginning indicate the rows or rounds and the numbers in the middle indicate the number of knit stitches. Skip over squares where there is no symbol.

After row 46, repeat rows 31 to 46 four more times, then continue with the second part of chart A at round 111. After the last row, place the single remaining stitch on a stitch holder. Pick up the single last stitch on the center oval, 125 stitches along one side, the cast-on stitch and 125 stitches along the second side. Knit 2 rounds then knit according to chart B. From round 3 to round 24, knit as follows:
** 5 times following (the part located before the thick line plus 1 time the part located between the thick lines plus 1 time the part located after the thick line) then 3 times following the part located between the thick lines rows (therefore the middle part.) Repeat 1 more time from ** for the 2nd half of the oval. The middle part forms the leaf. Knit 3 leaves at each end of the oval. From the 25th round, repeat 16 times in all.

er the 72nd round, purl 4 rounds then begin the outer edge according to diagram C. Knit the first 2 rounds. Begin the end of the oval. The edge consists of 2 parts, the first part before the big line and the 2nd part between the big lines. Repeat these 2 parts as follows: ** 7 times following the first and the 2nd part, then 1 time the first part and 2 times following the 2nd part. Start again at ** for the 2nd half of the oval. The part between the thick lines forms the leaf design. Each leaf design starts with 1 yarn over. Knit 2 yarn overs at each end to be able to form 2 consecutive designs later. After the 38th round, finish with the hook. Take the groups of stitches above the diagram, throw the yarn over the hook and pull it through all the stitches. Chain 11 chain stitches between each group. Extend the doily with small stainless steel nails, moisten with cooked starch and let dry completely.

To see a complete chart image, right-click on a chart and choose "view image" or whatever your browser offers. If you right-click on any image and choose "save as" you'll download the full-size image.


  • Feel free to download and use the charts, print copies for your own use. However, you may not print them out and share them with others. Send folks to my website so they can download for themselves.
  • I don't own the original pattern, but I do own my recharted version. So, please don't copy my charts and claim them as your own or publish them under your name. If you want to have your own charts, then find the original patterns and rechart them yourself!
  • Do not sell copies of these charts. If I don't charge for my recharts, you certainly shouldn't charge for my recharts!