Kunstrickblatt 601 C

Kunstrickblatt 601C is a small doily, about 38 cm square with a pretty floral center. The original pattern calls for silk or cotton crochet thread size 50. Of course you can use any size needles and yarn or thread, which will affect the final size of the doily.

Cast on 8 stitches and join in a round. Follow the chart, repeating each line 8 times in the round. In rounds 41 to 65, knit the stitches to the left of the red line twice only on each of the four corners. In rounds 69-85 knit the stitches to the left of the blue line twice only on each of the four corners.

Bind off with a crochet hook. Decrease 3 knit stitches with 1 single crochet stitch and chain 10 between decreases. Add another round, attaching with a single crochet at each decrease stitch and chain 15 stitches between sc.


  • Feel free to download and use the charts, print copies for your own use. However, you may not print them out and share them with others. Send folks to my website so they can download for themselves.
  • Do not copy my charts and claim them as your own or publish under your name. If you want to have your own charts, then find the original patterns and rechart them yourself!
  • Do not sell copies of these charts. HN was an artist. Let's share his works, eh? If I don't charge for my recharts, you certainly shouldn't charge for my recharts!